my ctf writeups

Apoorva Saurav | about

From C to Shining C (100)

pwn - Virginia TSA Technosphere CTF

Challenge description:

The elves have mistakenly put a string format vulnerability that might reveal a flag in this program.

Download file: forgot to save file :(


We are given a binary and information to connect to a server with netcat.

After marking it as executable with chmod +x fromctoshiningc, running the binary asks for a name and a magic number.

$ ./fromctoshiningc
What is your name? 

We can leak data from the stack using %x, which is returned to us.

$ nc 28281
What is your name? 
This is a really important piece of information: 28757b2

Enter the magic number: 

Reverse engineering the binary reveals that converting the provided hex address to decimal allows us to access its content. We can try this on the server for the real flag.

$ nc 28281
What is your name? 
This is a really important piece of information: 28757b2

Enter the magic number: 
Flag flag{cnoevil}