my ctf writeups

Apoorva Saurav | about

I don’t see how you can ever finish, if you don’t begin (100)

web - Louisa County High School

Challenge description:

Please visit the following site

This one is simple. All you need to do is login with the correct username and the flag will be shown.

Users: admin, bob, suresh, ramesh, alice, voldemort, frodo, hodor, rhombus

Download file: idontseehow.php


While there is the intended solution of trying different SQL injection payloads, during the CTF I took a different approach. On my initial scan, I noticed something interesting on lines 18-20 and 92.

<p class="lead" style="color:white">
				Simple Login Page with SQL Injection

		<p>Riyaz Walikar | @riyazwalikar</p>

I searched “Riyaz Walikar SQL injection” and found this Github repo.

Looking in the README, we see that using admin' -- // as a payload should work.

Trying this is successful, and we get this message:

All hail the admin!! Nice Try. Great job, getting this far.

Checkout the hint below Don’t go down the rabbit hole.

Looking at the list of users, Alice of Alice in Wonderland fame is most commonly associated with rabbit holes.

Logging and changing our payload to alice' -- // returns:

In wonderland right now :O

Collect Your Flag: ********

Flag ctf{Catj'7[v@pKzPG*}