Sticky Key - 304
steg - BYUCTF
Challenge description:
I just got this email from my friend. I think he was trying to tell me something important, but it just looks like random symbols.
Subject: ˆ ˇ˙ˆ˜˚ Â¥ ´¥∫øå®∂ ˆß ∫®ø˚´˜
Contents: ˆ †˙ˆ˜˚ µ¥ ˚´¥∫øå®∂ ˆß ∫®ø˚´˜≥ ˆ ∑åß π¬å˜˜ˆ˜© †ø †´¬¬ ¥ø¨ †˙ˆß ∫¨† ˆæµ ˜ø† ߨ®´ ˙ø∑ ¥ø¨ ∑ˆ¬¬ ®´å∂ ˆ†≥ Óøπ´ƒ¨¬¬¥ ¥ø¨ çå˜ ƒˆ˜∂ å ∑å¥≥ ∫¥¨ç†ƒ”∂ø˜†—¬´å√´—ßø∂å—∫¥—¥ø¨®—˚´¥∫øå®∂’
I had no idea where to start, so I just Googled the subject line. Conveniently, the first result was this.
Pasting both lines in there reveals:
Subject: i think my keyboard is broken
contents: i think my keyboard is broken. i was planning to tell you this but iæm not sure how you will read it. hopefully you can find a way. byuctf”************’