my ctf writeups

Apoorva Saurav | about

Oh The Vanity - 100

osint - BYUCTF

Challenge description:

The vanity and audacity of these scammers and their phishing attacks are just getting ridiculous. I read an article this month about a new way to mask phishing campaigns. They even included this photo. Find the date the article was published.

Flag format: byuctf{mm-dd-yyyy}

Download file: sharky.JPG


We are given an image and told it was used in an article on phishing in the past month.

We can upload the image to Google’s reverse image search and search with the keyword phishing. This yields this query.

We can scroll down to see the pages that include matching images, where we will see this article, written in the past month.

The date of publishing is our flag :)

Flag byuctf{05-11-2022}